D’CENT Wallet now supports Trust Line for XRPL!

D’CENT Wallet now supports Trust Line for XRPL!

We are excited to announce a new update that provides XRP holders with the native functionality for adding Trust Line to their XRP Ledger in D’CENT Wallet.


What is a Trust Line?

Trust Line is an issued currency (known as IOUs) that can be represented in the XRP Ledger as RippleState objects. From a non-technical user’s perspective, it would make more sense to simply think of Trust Line as a function for adding a token account under the mainnet account. Although technically different, a good analogy to describe adding a Trust Line to add a Trust Asset account would be similar to a case of adding an ERC20 token account under the Ethereum mainnet account. Simply put, D’CENT Wallet users can add a Trust Asset account under the XRP Ledger (Your XRP mainnet account), hassle free and extremely simple.


Initially, D’CENT Wallet will officially list 3 Trust Assets which can be added to the XRPL; ✅ CasinoCoin, ✅ Elysian, and ✅ Sologenic. From D’CENT Wallet, a user can add a Trust Asset account by simply searching for the token name or the symbol from the listed assets.


🚨 NOTE: Since adding a Trust Line occupies space in the ledger, a Trust Line increases the XRP your account must hold in reserve.


🔥 USER GUIDE: How to activate XRPL-Trust Line.



CasinoCoin ($CSC) is a digital currency, developed specifically for the regulated gaming industry. The CasinoCoin project is led by a team dedicated and experienced in working within the regulated gambling sector and crypto e-gaming sectors. With this as a focal point, features and tools have been customized to meet both the needs of the users and the operators.


Elysian ($ELS) is the native asset of the project run by Aesthetes and it is the first token for the Art and NFT Industry that runs on XRP Ledger. Aesthetes’ ambitious project is to create a link between physical Art and Blockchain, creating the first NFTs based on physical masterpieces.


Sologenic ($SOLO) is the native asset of Sologenic’s financial platform, which is a sophisticated ecosystem built on top of the XRP Ledger. The platform focuses on tokenization of both the blockchain and non-blockchain assets, allowing investors to trade stocks, ETFs, and other assets.


⭐What about other Trust Assets?
We are happy to assist our users and projects in listing a new Trust Asset in D’CENT Wallet. To make a request, please submit the request form (google form) below. We are taking submissions until December 17th, 2021 and the projects that receive the most number of requests will get priority in being listed.

Prerequisite: Trust Asset being requested for listing in D’CENT Wallet must be searchable from both portal sites: CoinmarketCap and Coingecko.

👉 Request for Trust Asset listing


Manage XRPL based Trust Assets on D’CENT Wallet

Update D’CENT App

The latest versions of the D’CENT mobile app can be found at the link below.


✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい

[D’CENT ウォレット]
D’CENTは、(株)IoTrustが製造・販売するブロックチェーン向けウォレットサービスです。 当社は、セキュリティチップ(SEおよびTEE)を基にする、エンベディット(組み込み)型ソリューションにおいて15年以上開発経験を持つスペシャリスト達によって制作されたウォレットです。さらに、銀行カードやUSIMカードで使われる高セキュリティテクノロジーの応用技術が含まれた、安心と信頼のウォレットです。 

このブログは教育目的のみを目的としています。ここに記載されている情報は、プロジェクトやブランド名を含め、情報提供を目的としており、金融、法律、税務アドバイスではありません。正確性に努めていますが、情報の誤りに対しては一切責任を負いません。 暗号資産(あんごうしさん)は本質的にリスクを伴います。徹底的に調査を行い、ご自身の目標とリスク許容度に見合った投資判断を行うために、ファイナンシャルアドバイザーへの相談を検討してください。 外部リンクが存在する場合がありますが、その内容や慣行に対しては一切責任を負いません。利用規約とプライバシーポリシーをご確認ください。

✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい


指紋認証型ウォレット - $119.00