D’CENT Wallet Joins Forces with Talisman for Enhanced Polkadot and Ethereum Asset Management

D’CENT Wallet Joins Forces with Talisman for Enhanced Polkadot and Ethereum Asset Management

We are thrilled to unveil an exciting integration that promises to elevate your cryptocurrency experience. The D’CENT Biometric Wallet has seamlessly integrated with the Talisman Wallet extension, offering users an enhanced level of security and unparalleled convenience in handling their Polkadot, Ethereum, and EVM-compatible assets.


Benefits of the Integration

This integration offers a number of benefits, including:


Enhanced security: The integrated wallets offer an extra layer of security by combining the security features of both the D’CENT Biometric Wallet and the Talisman Wallet Extension. For example, offline storage for private keys and biometric authentication makes your crypto assets more protected from unauthorized access.


Seamless user experience: The integration offers a seamless user experience by providing users with a single interface to manage their crypto assets. This makes it easy to store, send, receive, and manage your crypto assets. For example, you can use the integrated wallets to view your balances, send and receive tokens, and stake your tokens.


Wider range of features: The integrated wallets offer a wider range of features than either the D’CENT Wallet or the Talisman Wallet Extension alone. This means that you can access a wider range of opportunities by using the integrated wallets. For example, you can use the integrated wallets to participate in DeFi projects, access DApps, collect NFTs, and access other blockchain-based services.


Cross-chain compatibility: The integrated wallets support a variety of blockchain networks, which means that you can store and manage your assets on a wider range of networks. This gives you more flexibility and options when it comes to managing your crypto assets. For example, you can use the integrated wallets to store your Ethereum tokens on the Ethereum network and your Polkadot tokens on the Polkadot network.


What are the practical benefits?

With the wallets successfully connected, you can dive into managing, sending, and receiving Polkadot, Ethereum, and Ethereum EVM-compatible tokens. Here are some examples of how you can use the integrated wallets:


Stake your Polkadot tokens: The integrated wallets allow you to stake your Polkadot tokens and earn rewards. This means that you can lock up your tokens for a period of time and earn interest on them.


Participate in a DeFi project: The integrated wallets allow you to connect to a DeFi platform and start earning rewards. DeFi platforms are decentralized financial applications that allow you to borrow, lend, and earn interest on your crypto assets.


Collect NFTs: The integrated wallets allow you to buy, sell, and trade NFTs. NFTs are unique digital assets that can be used to represent ownership of anything from art to music to in-game items.


How to connect the D’CENT Biometric Wallet with the Talisman Wallet Extension

Getting started is a breeze. Download the Talisman Wallet extension and follow these simple steps:


1. Launch the Talisman Wallet extension.



2. Go to the Settings menu at bottom and click on “Add Account” and choose “Connect D’CENT”.



3. Click on “Download D’CENT Bridge” and a new window will be opened for the download.



4. Download the Bridge program appropriate to your computer’s OS and install it on your computer. If your computer asks about allowing communication, please allow access.



5. Click on “Connect D’CENT”.



6. Go back to the Talisman Wallet Extension tab. Here, you can see all accounts existing on the D’CENT Biometric Wallet that can be imported to the Talisman Wallet.



7. Next to the account name, click on “Connect” to import this account to the Talisman Wallet.




The integration of the D’CENT Biometric Wallet with the Talisman Wallet marks a significant milestone in the crypto world. It simplifies the storage and management of Polkadot, Ethereum, and Ethereum EVM-compatible assets, combining security, convenience, and accessibility. If you seek a secure, user-friendly, and versatile solution for your crypto portfolio, look no further. Enhance your journey to crypto management with D’CENT and Talisman.



✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい



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[D’CENT ウォレット]
D’CENTは、(株)IoTrustが製造・販売するブロックチェーン向けウォレットサービスです。 当社は、セキュリティチップ(SEおよびTEE)を基にする、エンベディット(組み込み)型ソリューションにおいて15年以上開発経験を持つスペシャリスト達によって制作されたウォレットです。さらに、銀行カードやUSIMカードで使われる高セキュリティテクノロジーの応用技術が含まれた、安心と信頼のウォレットです。 

このブログは教育目的のみを目的としています。ここに記載されている情報は、プロジェクトやブランド名を含め、情報提供を目的としており、金融、法律、税務アドバイスではありません。正確性に努めていますが、情報の誤りに対しては一切責任を負いません。 暗号資産(あんごうしさん)は本質的にリスクを伴います。徹底的に調査を行い、ご自身の目標とリスク許容度に見合った投資判断を行うために、ファイナンシャルアドバイザーへの相談を検討してください。 外部リンクが存在する場合がありますが、その内容や慣行に対しては一切責任を負いません。利用規約とプライバシーポリシーをご確認ください。

✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい


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