D’CENT Wallet Integrates Coreum Smart Tokens, Expanding Use Cases for Digital Assets
D’CENT Wallet, a leading non-custodial wallet solution, has announced the native integration of Coreum Smart Tokens. This integration allows users to create Coreum Smart Token accounts directly in the D’CENT Wallet, making it easier to manage and use Coreum digital assets.
What are Coreum Smart Tokens?
Coreum Smart Tokens are a type of digital asset that is natively issued on the Coreum blockchain platform, meaning interacting with them does not require calling smart contract functions. They are similar to traditional cryptocurrencies, but they have additional features that allow them to be used in more sophisticated applications. For example, Coreum Smart Tokens can be used to represent ownership of real-world assets, such as property or shares in a company. They can also be used to create decentralized applications (dApps).
Benefits of Smart Tokens integration
The integration of Coreum Smart Tokens with D’CENT Wallet is done through a native integration. This means that the D’CENT Wallet was specifically designed to support Coreum Smart Tokens. This integration provides a number of benefits, including:
Convenience: The native integration makes it easy for users to create and manage Coreum Smart Tokens. They do not need to install any additional software or plugins.
Security: The native integration ensures that Coreum Smart Tokens are stored securely in the D’CENT Wallet (supported by both the Software wallet and the Biometric hardware wallet).
Performance: The native integration provides a high level of performance when managing Coreum Smart Tokens.
Expanding use cases: The integration expands the use cases for Coreum digital assets. With the ability to create and manage Coreum Smart Tokens directly in the D’CENT Wallet, users will be able to use Coreum digital assets for a wider range of applications such as Defi, NFTs, Gaming, Real-world asset ownership, and many more.
How to add Smart Token account (Coreum mainnet)
Coreum Smart Token is supported by D’CENT Wallet running the latest software. Please update the software from the links below:
✅ D’CENT App (Android & iOS): version 5.24.4 or higher
✅ D’CENT Biometric wallet (Firmware update): version 2.28.1 or higher
Coreum Smart Token accounts that are listed in the D’CENT Wallet can be added to your existing Coreum account with a few clicks.

How to add unlisted Smart Token account (custom account)
Users can also add any Smart Token account by using the custom add function in the wallet. This function allows users to add Smart Token assets that are not yet officially listed in the D’CENT Wallet.
For more information, please refer to the D’CENT user guide below:
Coreum Testnet (for developers)
D’CENT Wallet supports Coreum Testnet for the Coreum development community. Projects can use this feature to test their apps, Smart Token account creation, and their digital assets.
Testnet can be enabled from the “Setting” tab in the D’CENT App. 👇👇👇

The integration of Coreum Smart Tokens with D’CENT Wallet is a significant development in the digital asset space. It makes it easier for users to manage and use Coreum Smart Tokens, and it expands the use cases for Coreum digital assets. This integration will have a positive impact on the adoption of Coreum Smart Tokens and the growth of the decentralized economy.
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