D’CENT Wallet Enhances User Experience with Algorand Integration
D’CENT Wallet is pleased to announce its integration with the Algorand Network, extending support to both the Biometric Hardware Wallet and the D’CENT App Wallet. This significant development enhances the secure and convenient storage, management, and utilization of Algorand assets for all users.
Integrated Support for Algorand:
✅ALGORAND native currency ALGOS coin
✅ALGORAND assets (tokens)
This integration marks a significant stride forward for both D’CENT Wallet and Algorand, simplifying the onboarding process for Algorand users and unlocking the full potential of Algorand assets.
Advantages of the Integration for the D’CENT Wallet Users:
Enhanced Security: By incorporating Algorand support into its Biometric Hardware Wallet, D’CENT Wallet empowers users to safeguard their Algorand assets in a secure, offline environment, ensuring top-tier protection.
Convenience: D’CENT Mobile App is available on both iOS and Android mobile devices. D’CENT Wallet users can conveniently manage their Algorand assets while on the move, enabling easy transactions.
User-Friendly Experience: D’CENT Wallet offers a straightforward and user-friendly platform for managing cryptocurrency assets. With Algorand integration, users can effortlessly store, manage, and utilize their Algorand assets with simplicity and convenience.
Accessibility: Users can efficiently oversee their Algorand holdings from any location and access various decentralized applications on the Algorand ecosystem through the built-in DApp browser.
How to use Alogrand wallet account
Algorand is supported on D’CENT Wallet running the latest software.
D’CENT Mobile App (v5.25.0 or higher)
◾ Android mobile app
◾ iOS mobile app
D’CENT Biometric Wallet (v.2.29.0 or higher)
How to create an Algorand account (Main account)
Adding an Algorand account is very easy. Simply click on (+) button at the bottom and search for “Algorand” from the list.

How to create an Algorand Asset account (Token account)
Adding an Algorand Asset account works the same as the method of adding the Algorand main account. An Asset account must be associated with the main Algorand account which pays for the network transaction fee.

How to add non-listed Algorand Asset account (Custom account)
By using the “Add Custom Token” function, users can create accounts for the Algorand Assets that are not listed in the wallet by default.

To add a custom token account, click on (+) button and then click on “Add Custom Token” button.
Next, select which network this token account will exist on. In this case, select ALGORAND (ALGO-ASSET) as the network and set the association to the Algorand main account (the fee account).

On the following screen, enter the correct ID of the ASSET (ie: USDT). The correct ID for any ALGORAND ASSETS can be found by searching the ASSET from the ALGO Explorer. When the correct ID is entered, Symbol and Decimals will be auto-populated. Proceed to finish creating a custom account for the USDT Asset.
Don’t forget to “OPT-in the Asset”!
Creating an ALGORAND ASSET account doesn’t mean you can immediately receive tokens to this account. You must first “OPT-in the Asset”, which requires a transaction on the Algorand network to activate this account.

To start the “OPT-in” process, click on your Asset account (ie: USDC) and then click on “Receive” menu.
Next, click on “Opt in the Asset” button and you will be guided to sign a transaction.
NOTE: Algorand accounts requires minimum balance of 0.1 ALGOS.
The integration of Algorand into D’CENT Wallet represents a significant achievement for both projects. It streamlines the process for users to begin their Algorand journey and harness the full potential of Algorand assets, regardless of their preference for hardware or app wallets.
We eagerly anticipate witnessing users leverage D’CENT Wallet to securely and conveniently store, manage, and utilize Algorand assets. We firmly believe that this integration will expedite the adoption of Algorand and contribute to the growth of the Algorand ecosystem.
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