Polkadot network (DOT) is now supported in D’CENT Wallet!
Hello D’CENT Fam! 👋
We are excited to announce the integration of the Polkadot and support for the native asset ($DOT) in the latest update of D’CENT Wallet.
What is Polkadot?
Polkadot is a multichain protocol that allows transfer of assets, data, and tokens between other blockchains. Polkadot has the relay chain which acts as the governance layer of the network and enables the parachains (independent projects that create and operate their own blockchains) to live within the Polkadot infrastructure and benefit from its security.
Polkadot is powered by the native asset called $DOT for the network activities in the Polkadot ecosystem.
You can add $DOT account in the D’CENT Wallet by simply searching for the name “Polkadot” or the symbol “DOT”. Note that this is the mainnet version of the DOT asset and not the token variants from other networks.
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