D’CENT Wallet now supports Solana Network!
D’CENT Wallet is excited to announce the integration update to support Solana network, a decentralized computing platform that improves blockchain scalability by using a combination of Proof of History (PoH) and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus. With the unique hybrid-consensus mechanism, Solana offers incredibly fast transactions finality time without sacrificing security. The platform is setting a new standard in the blockchain space as a highly functional and efficient blockchain infrastructure.
In this update, the Solana network is integrated with D’CENT Wallet to provide users with the support for managing Solana’s native currency SOL from the Biometric wallet.

In the near future, D’CENT Wallet will be adding support for managing token assets offered on the Solana platform. Furthermore, the Discovery Tab (dApp browser) will be integrated to natively support accessibility to various dApps built on the Solana network including DeFi, NFT, marketplaces, games, and more.
Manage Solana based assets on D’CENT Wallet
*NOTE: Solana is currently only supported on the Biometric Wallet.
Update Mobile App
The latest versions of the D’CENT mobile app can be found at the link below.
Update Biometric Wallet Firmware (v2.16.5. or higher)
To perform the firmware update, please visit: https://dcentwallet.com/support/FirmwareUpdate
Detailed instructions on performing the firmware update can be found here:
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