D’CENT Wallet joins forces with Unstoppable Domains to support all domain extensions.
In 2020, D’CENT Wallet was the very first hardware wallet to integrate multi-coin domain name resolution function. Since then, we’ve integrated various decentralized name services available on multiple blockchain networks and Unstoppable Domains (UD) is our latest addition.
D’CENT Wallet users now have a stress-free way to receive and send their funds using the UD extensions which include; “.crypto”, “.bitcoin”, “.nft”, “.x”, “.wallet”, “.blockchain”, “.dao”, “.888”, “.coin”, and “.zil”.

Making cryptocurrency payments on D’CENT Wallet has never been easier. Using domain name services such as UD drastically simplifies user interactions and significantly enhances the user experience. A domain name resolution clearly identifies the destination (the recipient), this removes the risk of human error of sending funds to a wrong address.
What is an Unstoppable Domain?
Unstoppable Domains are a type of domain name that uses blockchain technology to manage data registration and it can also be minted as an NFT token. Having a domain name allows the owner to send or receive a variety of cryptocurrency using a human-friendly address which helps to prevent the mistake of sending funds to a wrong address.
Other benefits of using an Unstoppable Domain
✅Simplify crypto transactions by replacing all your complicated wallet addresses with your domain name as your username.
✅Use your domain to receive 275+ coins and tokens across multiple blockchain networks.
✅Login to apps with your domain name as your universal web3 username.
Unlike traditional domains, fully own and control your domain. You buy it once, you own it for life!
✅Easily create and host websites, ranging from personal websites to NFT galleries.
For more information, please refer to https://unstoppabledomains.com/
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