Tezos (XTZ) network is now integrated with D’CENT Wallet!
Greetings D’CENT Fam! 👋
In the latest D’CENT Wallet update (for App wallet and Biometric Wallet), we are excited to announce Tezos network is now integrated with D’CENT Wallet.
What is Tezos?
Tezos is an energy-efficient blockchain based on POS consensus mechanism and its smart contract platform is optimized for developers, artists, businesses, brands, and others to seamlessly build decentralized applications. A notable feature of Tezos is that the network employs an on-chain governance (a voting model) where the future direction of the network such as upgrades and adding the latest innovations are community-determined.
Main supports
D’CENT Wallet now supports Tez ($XTZ), the native currency that powers the Tezos network which is used to pay for fees associated with interactions on the network. D’CENT users can easily add Tezos account on both the Biometric Wallet and App Wallet to store, send & receive XTZ coin.
NOTE: D’CENT Wallet currently does not support NFTs on the Tezos network.
⭐Minimum requirements to use Tezos (XTZ)⭐
D’CENT Mobile App (v5.18.0 or higher)
◾ Android mobile app
◾ iOS mobile app
D’CENT Biometric Wallet (v.2.23.1 or higher)
◾ Firmware Update
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