D'CENT Wallet Now Supports DigiByte SegWit (bech32) for Lower Transaction Fees!
Great news for DigiByte (DGB) holders! The latest D'CENT Wallet firmware update (v1.7.0, released March 16th, 2020) now supports DigiByte SegWit (bech32) accounts. This means you can enjoy several benefits, including:
Lower Transaction Fees: SegWit addresses are designed to be more efficient, typically resulting in lower transaction fees compared to traditional (Legacy) DigiByte addresses.
Improved Security: SegWit addresses offer some security enhancements over Legacy addresses.
What is DigiByte SegWit (bech32)?
Similar to Bitcoin, DigiByte also adopted SegWit (Segregated Witness) technology. This improvement proposal separates transaction witness data from the main block, leading to smaller transaction sizes and lower fees. Bech32 refers to the address format used for SegWit transactions, starting with "dgb1" instead of the traditional "D" for Legacy addresses.
How to Use SegWit Addresses with D'CENT Wallet
Update Your Firmware: To take advantage of SegWit, ensure your D'CENT Wallet firmware is updated to version 1.7.0 or later. Visit the D'CENT Wallet support page for instructions: https://dcentwallet.com/support/FirmwareUpdate
Create a SegWit Account: Once updated, you can create a new SegWit account within your D'CENT Wallet app. The addresses generated for this account will start with "dgb1," signifying SegWit compatibility.
Important Note:
While Legacy and SegWit addresses are technically compatible for sending and receiving DigiByte, migrating your funds to a SegWit account is recommended to benefit from lower transaction fees.
Stay Updated with D'CENT Wallet!
D'CENT Wallet is committed to providing users with the latest features and security improvements. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
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