D'CENT Mega Airdrop Spotlight 2: Xahau - The Smarter Blockchain with Account-Based Programmability

D'CENT Mega Airdrop Spotlight 2: Xahau - The Smarter Blockchain with Account-Based Programmability

Welcome to the D'CENT Mega Airdrop Event! As part of this special initiative, we are excited to bring you a series of in-depth articles showcasing the innovative coins included in this exclusive airdrop.


Xahau Evolving the XRP Ledger with smart contracts and programmable Hooks for seamless blockchain innovation.


What is Xahau Network?


Xahau is a blockchain leveraging proven technology, as it is an evolved iteration of the XRP Ledger code, enhanced with smart contracts, account-based programmability known as Hooks, and equal support for issued currencies in native features such as escrows and payment channels. These innovations enable developers to create and deploy efficient complex and smart processes quickly and efficiently.







Key Features of Xahau


    • - Hooks: These are lightweight, efficient smart contracts that interact directly with on-ledger objects, balances, and transactions. Hooks can be simple, such as setting conditions for incoming payments, or more complex, enabling advanced decentralized applications (dApps).


    • - XAH: The native token of the Xahau network is XAH. Each account can participate in a monthly balance adjustment, accumulating 4% annually. XAH is primarily used as gas to offset the costs of transacting. Normal transactions cost fractions of an XAH, while the price of transacting increases if interacting with Hooks. It is also required as a locked balance to own an account, own objects, or store data for smart contract consumption.


  • - Governance and Rewards: Xahau introduces a governance game to ensure a community-centric approach towards decision-making of the network. To play the game, the members of the tables cast votes, including seats, hooks, and rewards topics. Active users can claim an increase in their account balance, while validators receive corresponding rewards, promoting network engagement and sustainability.



Benefits of Hooks and Their Impact on the XRPL


Hooks are closely integrated with the XRPL and are designed to optimally leverage the unique features and performance of the XRPL platform. Built on the inherent scalability and high performance of WebAssembly, Hooks enhance the XRPL's capabilities and expand its on-ledger functionality.


By adding native smart contract functionality to the XRPL, Hooks enable the development of customized applications tailored to user needs. This not only introduces new functionalities to the XRPL ecosystem but also opens up greater potential for use, laying the foundation for XRPL's adoption across various industries and use cases.


As the XRPL continues to grow, Hooks will play a pivotal role in driving innovation and adoption of the platform. Hooks will serve as an attractive tool not only for retail users but also for enterprise users, significantly expanding the utility and functionality of the XRPL.


The smart contract capabilities provided by Hooks will enhance the growth and usability of the XRPL, acting as a crucial element in attracting new users and developers to the XRPL ecosystem.



Development and Community


Xahau continues to grow daily. Work is being done to make Hooks available in Javascript to open up the technology to thousands of developers. There are multiple explorers and services currently working on Xahau, such as Evernode's DePIN solution. The community is also working on reaching 10K transactions per ledger by optimizing the Xahau core.



In Summary


Xahau Network is a fast, affordable, and reliable layer-1 blockchain, building on the foundations of the XRP Ledger with a powerful upgrade: smart logic functionality, known as Hooks, tailored for advanced enterprise use cases. Designed with compliance in mind, Xahau enables an account-based structure with optional on-chain KYC attestations that meet the needs of regulated industries. Entities using Xahau have attracted commercial banks and intergovernmental organizations. Xahau supports applications like inward remittance, secure donation collection, and cross-border state settlements. Its native token, XAH, powers this robust ecosystem, driving a new standard in blockchain utility and accessibility.



For more details, please visit:



A Chance to Receive XAH Coins


By participating in the ongoing D'CENT Mega Airdrop Event, you can purchase a biometric wallet at a 44% discount and receive 200 XAH coins as an airdrop.

Don’t miss this opportunity to own the limitless potential of Xahau firsthand—join the event now! 


Get it NOWhttps://store.dcentwallet.com/pages/2024-mega-airdrop




✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい



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[D’CENT ウォレット]
D’CENTは、(株)IoTrustが製造・販売するブロックチェーン向けウォレットサービスです。 当社は、セキュリティチップ(SEおよびTEE)を基にする、エンベディット(組み込み)型ソリューションにおいて15年以上開発経験を持つスペシャリスト達によって制作されたウォレットです。さらに、銀行カードやUSIMカードで使われる高セキュリティテクノロジーの応用技術が含まれた、安心と信頼のウォレットです。 

このブログは教育目的のみを目的としています。ここに記載されている情報は、プロジェクトやブランド名を含め、情報提供を目的としており、金融、法律、税務アドバイスではありません。正確性に努めていますが、情報の誤りに対しては一切責任を負いません。 暗号資産(あんごうしさん)は本質的にリスクを伴います。徹底的に調査を行い、ご自身の目標とリスク許容度に見合った投資判断を行うために、ファイナンシャルアドバイザーへの相談を検討してください。 外部リンクが存在する場合がありますが、その内容や慣行に対しては一切責任を負いません。利用規約とプライバシーポリシーをご確認ください。

✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい


指紋認証型ウォレット - $139.00