D’CENT Wallet — discontinuing support for BSV network
On February 28, 2023, we will stop supporting the BSV network.
In early January 2023, the BSV network infrastructure services used by the D’CENT wallet stopped supporting the BSV network. At D’CENT wallet, we tried our best to continue supporting BSV. However, we could not find any new BSV network infrastructure services.
NOTE: We have temporarily restored the BSV network as no suitable BSV network infrastructure could be found. The temporary restoration is highly dependent on the circumstances of the BSV network infrastructure and the support may be discontinued sooner than February 28, 2023.
⭐Even when support is discontinued, users’ BSV assets do not disappear.
BSV assets will still exist in the user’s address even after the support is discontinued. You can access them using the mnemonic code of the D’CENT wallet.
⭐Users can manage BSV assets in the following ways.
1. Transfer your assets to an exchange that supports BSV before the BSV support is discontinued.
2. Recover the mnemonic code to another wallet that supports BSV network.
NOTE: Before you recover using the mnemonic code, please do your own research to check other wallets can be trusted and take appropriate precautions.
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