D‘CENT Wallet collaborates with NamuLabs to issue Soulbound Token (SBT)
Hello D’CENT Fam! 👋
Today we are very proud to be announcing the partnership between D’CENT Wallet and NamuLabs, a web3 specialized DevLabs that leads innovative blockchain businesses such as SBT projects in line with the rapidly changing trend of the web3 ecosystem.
The two companies are working together in this partnership to provide users with a new, fun, and exciting blockchain experience. By visiting NamuLabs’ MBTI personality test platform to answer a few simple questions, users can mint an extraordinary Soulbound Token (SBT) token for FREE. This unique MBTI SBT token indicates an individual’s personality type according to the test result. The SBT token issued from the NamuLabs service can be safely stored and viewed in the D’CENT wallet.
What is Soulbound (SBT) Token?
Soulbound tokens (SBTs) are non-transferable tokens representing a person’s identity and any type of information that makes up a person or entity.
How to get your SBT token

Users can participate in NamuLabs’ MBTI personality test at the site below. Through this event, users issue the results of your personality type as your own SBT token powered by blockchain technology! 👇👇👇
1. Go to site (https://simte.xyz/MBTI-SBT) and click on “Go find my Soul!”.
2. Answer simple questions.
3. After the test, click on “Go to receive SBT”.

4. Click on “Connect D’CENT Wallet” (Enter wallet address).
5. Click on “Connect” when requested.
6. Click on “Receive SBT”

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