D’CENT Wallet and Klaytn Name Service Unite to Simplify Crypto Transactions
D’CENT wallet is excited to announce its latest integration with the Klaytn Name Service (KNS), a domain name service on the Klaytn blockchain. This integration allows D’CENT wallet users to easily connect and manage their Klaytn accounts through human-readable domain names, known as .klay domains.
With the integration, D’CENT wallet users can now use .klay domain names instead of complex hex addresses, making sending and receiving Klaytn tokens easier. The integration also brings added convenience, as users no longer need to copy and paste long addresses, reducing the risk of input errors.

To create .klay domain names for D’CENT Wallet’s Klaytn accounts, users can access the KNS website at https://app.klaytn.domains/ and select the “Connect Wallet” option. From there, users can choose the D’CENT wallet as their preferred wallet and connect to their Klaytn account. Users can then register their .klay domain names, update their domain records, and manage their Klaytn accounts seamlessly.

In conclusion, D’CENT wallet’s integration with KNS brings added convenience and user-friendliness to the Klaytn blockchain. Users can easily connect and manage their Klaytn accounts through human-readable domain names, while also being able to manage their domains directly from the KNS website. This integration is another step forward in D’CENT wallet’s mission to make blockchain technology accessible and user-friendly for everyone.
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