D’CENT Biometric Wallet and Blade Wallet Integration Empowers Native HBAR Staking

D’CENT Biometric Wallet and Blade Wallet Integration Empowers Native HBAR Staking

The integration between Blade Wallet and D’CENT Biometric Wallet marks a significant milestone in the world of blockchain technology. By joining forces of the two industry-leading platforms, we offer users an array of benefits, including the ability to natively stake HBAR coins held in the hardware wallet and seamless access to decentralized applications (dApps) on the Hedera network.


This integration brings enhanced convenience, security, and opportunities for users within the Hedera ecosystem.


HBAR native cold staking available with D’CENT Biometric wallet via Blade Wallet.

Enhanced Convenience and Security

The integration between Blade Wallet and D’CENT Biometric Wallet enhances the overall user experience by combining convenience and security. D’CENT Biometric Wallet, known for its robust security measures, ensures that users’ private keys and assets are safeguarded offline. By seamlessly integrating with Blade Wallet, users can easily access and manage their D’CENT Biometric Wallet holdings, making transactions and interacting with dApps more efficient and user-friendly. This fusion of convenience and security is a vital aspect of the integration, instilling confidence in users and promoting broader adoption.


Native HBAR Staking

The most anticipated and remarkable feature brought forth by the Blade Wallet and D’CENT Biometric Wallet integration is the ability to natively stake HBAR coins. Users can now leverage Blade Wallet’s intuitive staking feature to earn rewards by locking up their HBAR holdings stored in the secure D’CENT Biometric Wallet. This functionality provides a convenient and user-friendly way for HBAR holders to participate in staking and earn passive income on their digital assets.


Seamless Access to Hedera dApps

With Blade Wallet’s extensive integration with various dApps on the Hedera network, users can now effortlessly access and utilize a wide range of blockchain-based services. Whether it’s decentralized exchanges, NFT marketplaces, or innovative gaming platforms, the integration empowers D’CENT Biometric Wallet users to explore and engage with diverse dApps seamlessly. The availability of these services opens up a world of possibilities and enables users to make the most of the Hedera ecosystem.


Driving Adoption and Innovation

The collaboration between Blade Wallet and D’CENT Biometric Wallet is set to drive the adoption of the Hedera network and foster further innovation within the ecosystem. By offering a unified platform that combines access to Hedera dApps and native HBAR staking, users are incentivized to actively participate in the network and explore the full potential of decentralized applications. The integration strengthens the Hedera community, encourages the development of new dApps, and creates an environment conducive to growth and advancement.



The integration between Blade Wallet and D’CENT Biometric Wallet brings significant advantages to users within the Hedera ecosystem. Users can seamlessly access and utilize a wide range of dApps integrated with Blade Wallet, expanding their horizons and tapping into the innovative offerings of the Hedera network. Additionally, the integration empowers HBAR holders to stake their coins natively, earning rewards while maintaining the security and control provided by the D’CENT Biometric Wallet. This collaboration paves the way for increased adoption, improved user experiences, and ongoing innovation within the Hedera network.


✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい

[D’CENT ウォレット]
D’CENTは、(株)IoTrustが製造・販売するブロックチェーン向けウォレットサービスです。 当社は、セキュリティチップ(SEおよびTEE)を基にする、エンベディット(組み込み)型ソリューションにおいて15年以上開発経験を持つスペシャリスト達によって制作されたウォレットです。さらに、銀行カードやUSIMカードで使われる高セキュリティテクノロジーの応用技術が含まれた、安心と信頼のウォレットです。 

このブログは教育目的のみを目的としています。ここに記載されている情報は、プロジェクトやブランド名を含め、情報提供を目的としており、金融、法律、税務アドバイスではありません。正確性に努めていますが、情報の誤りに対しては一切責任を負いません。 暗号資産(あんごうしさん)は本質的にリスクを伴います。徹底的に調査を行い、ご自身の目標とリスク許容度に見合った投資判断を行うために、ファイナンシャルアドバイザーへの相談を検討してください。 外部リンクが存在する場合がありますが、その内容や慣行に対しては一切責任を負いません。利用規約とプライバシーポリシーをご確認ください。

✅ハッキング防止    ✅60種類以上のブロックチェーン対応   ✅5,000種類以上のデジタルアセットに対応   ✅認定済みセキュアエレメント搭載   ✅生体認証対応   ✅暗号化Bluetooth   ✅暗号化キー保存   ✅簡単で使いやすい


指紋認証型ウォレット - $119.00